What is Endocrinology?

An endocrinologist is a medical specialist that focuses on the systems of the body that are managed by hormones.

The training begins with the standard 4 year medical school after completing an undergraduate degree. After graduating from medical school, a residency program in Internal Medicine has to be completed. At this point the physician has to make a decision, either to stay in Internal Medicine as a primary care provider or to enter into a rigorous selection process to be chosen for a fellowship program. Fellowship programs are either 2 years or 3 years. The difference is usually determined by how much research the physician is required to do. In order for an endocrinologist to be considered fully trained and qualified, it is expected that they will take and pass both qualifying exams. After passing both qualifying exams, an endocrinologist is said to be dual board certified in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism.

The medical conditions that an endocrinologist is the expert in: Diabetes, Hypertension, Cholesterol disorders, Osteoporosis, Growth Hormone and disorders of growth, Thyroid disorders, Adrenal glands, Hypothalamus and Pituitary, Sex hormone disorders, Hormone replacement therapy, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Transgender hormone therapy, Infertility, Obesity, Nutrition and Sports Nutrition.