Research Consultation Services
in Columbus, OH

Develop Faster. Grow Better. Waste Less.

Our staff, including Dr. Christofides, have been right where you are now: you have a great idea, but you feel like you’re trying to find the X on a treasure map and aren’t sure where to begin. Competitor analysis, marketing, trial validation, FDA approval, networking with investors — there’s no shortage of obstacles in clinical research. With Endocrinology Associates, you don’t have to sail into uncharted waters alone; we will help you navigate the process and help you on your path to success.

Clinical Research Consulting

Aretaeus Consulting is acutely aware of the clinical research experience and the community that surrounds it. We have the expertise to help you avoid common pitfalls, establish an effective network, and make the most of your resources all while preserving your bottom line. Clinical trial research often seems daunting at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Contact our team and see why so many other research groups have decided to trust us to help get their trials approved and to market.

Tap our Expertise to Drive Your Innovation

We have made a name for ourselves for solving highly complex cases referred to us by other stumped medical professionals. As a result, we have learned how the clinical side and research side of medicine inform one another, which has given us important insight into how new research can enter the market and ultimately impact patient care. Take advantage of our knowledge to optimize your research strategy so you don’t have to suffer unnecessary setbacks while reinventing the wheel.

Speed Development to Outpace Competitors and Conserve Funds

There is no replacement for effective, experience-driven project management. We will help your clinical trial move rapidly from concept to execution, saving you time and money — and ensuring your idea is brought to completion before your potential competitors.

Seamless Trial Design & Execution

Having a well-designed strategy out the gate simplifies execution and drastically improves research outcomes and, in turn, investment interest. We will help you avoid costly mistakes and feel secure from the get-go by helping you optimize your trial design and locate possible process obstacles before they happen. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is true in research, too.

Expert Compliance Guidance

Compliance issues can and do end promising clinical trials all the time. Navigating the rules and ensuring 100% compliance is time consuming, and it’s easy to miss something. We say this from experience: don’t let red tape become a drain on your resources.

Strategic Marketing Support

Whether you’re trying to get buy in from investors or consumers, we know how to structure your messaging to make your product attractive for its audience. Regardless of what you need or the stakeholders in play, we’re here to help.

Network with Potential Partners — & Know Your Competition

Make the proper connections and overcome key threats — with Aretaeus Consulting, we’ll help you network and establish crucial bonds that will give you a foothold in the highly competitive landscape of medical research. Additionally, we can help identify your competition and position you in the market accordingly.

Utilize the Right Technology for Your Project

Sometimes it isn’t expertise or funding that’s holding back a project, but your equipment. We will help identify bottlenecks in your project and leverage opportunities with external partners to optimize your development and save you resources in the long run.

Get an Objective and Justified Valuation

We can provide project valuations that include detailed regional forecasts, test different hypotheses, and deliver pro forma to give you an accurate assessment of your market value, so you can move forward with the best strategy possible.

Deliver Compelling Presentations to Investors and Partners

Don’t phone it in at the 5-yard line! Let Aretaeus Consulting help you put your best foot forward — we can fine-tune your messaging with presentation best practices while being mindful of common investment concerns and expectations, so potential investors feel enthusiastic about backing your work.